About Me

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Hi, my name is Jonathan Denard McNeair and I grew up in Lexington, North Carolina, also known as Pig City...Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha...The town is mostly known for its barbeque where they often throw barbeque festivals every October. In my chosen career, I am a self-published author of fiction.

Friday, April 19, 2019

A Change Would Do You Good Preview: Chapter 1 A Night at Caryle's

A girl stepped into the spotlight. Gwen was entranced by her elegance. The dress she wore, glowed a shimmer of emerald evergreen, her skin smooth milk chocolate, her hair crinkled in goddess curls. She was a treasure in sight.
The girl began to sing the lyrics of the Amy Winehouse song, I Wake Up Alone. Her voice was slowed like honey, serene and mature beyond her years. Her soul was belting out with each word in each melody.
He’s fierce in my dreams, seizing my guts
He floats me with dread
Soaked in soul
He swims in my eyes by the bed
Pour myself over him
Moon spilling in
And I wake up alone
Her every being was filled with heart and soul. Gwen was mesmerized. Once the performance was over, the image of the girl and her unforgettable voice fueled her mind.

While taking a walk to the bus station, Gwen gazed at the sky. That song and those lyrics were ringing in her head, the sweet jazz sound tinging with the flow of the music.
Soaked in soul
He swims in my eyes by the bed
Moon spilling in…
It was nights like these where she wished it would never end. Nights such as this that would live on in her dreams.

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