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Hi, my name is Jonathan Denard McNeair and I grew up in Lexington, North Carolina, also known as Pig City...Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha...The town is mostly known for its barbeque where they often throw barbeque festivals every October. In my chosen career, I am a self-published author of fiction.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Ghostbusters (2016)

I know it's a little bit too late in the game for this but I had to get this out somehow. So there is a new Ghostbusters movie coming out sometime in July and everybody's response is...not so good. In my opinion, rightfully so.

The original Ghostbusters and it's sequel was what I grew up with, and to repeat the same beats again is just uncalled for.

Although I'm a fan of Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig, I just don't see them saving this movie. They are good actresses, it's only the material that wans their performances down.

When I saw the trailer, I was like, "Been there, done that." It's the same movie but with a female cast.

Director Paul Feig was the one who pitched this movie, and considering Sony, who's known for cashing in reboots, ok'd the idea...That's when the backlash began.
Everyone was pissed off about this, even so far than to have over 500,000 dislikes on the trailer from Youtube. There were even Twitter meltdowns from both director and the actors. Not to mention behind the scenes drama on the set with some of the actors disagreeing with Paul Feig over the poor script and having disdain over how the film is coming out. Sony even bribed half of the cast members in the original to cameo in this movie. Even going so far to sue Bill Murray if he refused. Yeah, it's that fucked up.

All this leads up to me, having the sinking feeling that this movie is going to bomb. HARD.

By the way, if you guys are curious to the movie, just watch the trailer and read the script or Paul Feig's pitch to Sony, There's your whole movie right there. It's all downhill from there. Predictable, by the numbers plot.

Ok, back to the trailer. The jokes were lame, the characters were the same, and the effects were 'meh.' It didn't get me excited (which I'm not anyway) but hell that goes for any trailer. It's like I watched the whole movie, which would spare me my time, no less.

And then there's the introduction of major hottie Chris Hemsworth. Although he's nice to look at, I feel like he's going to be wasted in this beefcake role. He supposed to be a composite of Jainie Melnlitz and the Sigourney Weaver character, which is so tired in my opinion.

As for the rest of the cast, I don't know. Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon are just not funny to me. Their jokes felt forced and how they were portrayed was clearly taken out of their really mediocre Saturday Night Live sketches and I don't even watch the recent Saturday Night Live anymore.

Just so you know, this movie is going to fail. There's nothing to fall back on. Nothing original or fresh in our minds. It's the same tired old bullshit that I see in comedies these days. I mean there was a Ghostbusters 3 in the making, everybody was on board with it, along with a expanded universe and new characters but it fell through and Sony said, "Fuck it, we'll just remake it.
I'm all for Girl Power but this isn't the way to go. If there was a Ghostbusters 3, you can have the original cast along with Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy. You can have Kristen Wiig played this kooky, quirky psychic who sees ghosts and have Melissa McCarthy as an expert on the paranormal, much like her character in this film. But no, it's far too late and far too wasted to come up with a cool concept like that. And it goes to show that Hollywood is clearly running out of ideas. What a sad state we all must live in.
So those are my thoughts. There is an agree to disagree, however, I do not stand by or support this movie.

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